Top 10 Best Mid Range Discs for Intermediate Disc Golfers - Ultimate Guide


Looking for a reliable mid-range disc? Check out our top pick that offers great control and accuracy, perfect for intermediate players.

When it comes to disc golf, choosing the right mid-range disc is crucial for achieving precision and accuracy in your throws. With numerous options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to find the best mid-range disc that suits your playing style. However, we have done the research and compiled a list of the top mid-range discs that are perfect for players who want to take their game to the next level.

First on our list is the Buzzz by Discraft, which is known for its reliability and versatility. The Buzzz has a straight flight path and can be thrown with ease, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and advanced players. It also has a consistent fade and glide, making it ideal for a variety of shots.

The Roc3 by Innova is another top mid-range disc that has gained popularity among disc golf enthusiasts. This disc has a stable flight path, making it perfect for controlled throws and accurate shots. The Roc3 is also durable and feels comfortable in the hand, allowing for a confident grip and smooth release.

If you're looking for a mid-range disc that can handle windy conditions, the Verdict by Dynamic Discs is an excellent choice. This disc has a reliable fade and overstable flight path, making it ideal for players who need extra control in challenging weather conditions.

The Mako3 by Innova is a popular mid-range disc that has a straight flight path and is easy to throw accurately. This disc is perfect for players who want to improve their technique and develop their skills in the game.

For players who prefer a mid-range disc with a softer feel, the Prodigy M4 is a great option. This disc has a comfortable grip and a straight flight path, making it suitable for players who want to focus on their form and precision.

The MVP Matrix is a mid-range disc that offers a unique flight path, with a slight turn and minimal fade. This disc is perfect for players who want to try something new and experiment with different throwing techniques.

The Latitude 64 Compass is a reliable mid-range disc that has a stable flight path and a comfortable grip. This disc is perfect for players who want to improve their accuracy and control, as it allows for easy adjustments during throws.

Another popular mid-range disc is the Gateway Scout, which has a straight flight path and a predictable fade. This disc is ideal for players who want to master the basics of the game and develop their skills gradually.

The Discmania MD4 is a mid-range disc that has a stable flight path and a consistent fade. This disc is perfect for players who want to achieve precision and accuracy in their throws, as it allows for controlled shots even in windy conditions.

Last but not least, the Westside Discs Harp is a mid-range disc that is known for its reliable fade and overstable flight path. This disc is perfect for players who need extra control and accuracy in their throws, making it a popular choice among professional disc golfers.

In conclusion, choosing the right mid-range disc can make a huge difference in your disc golf game. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, there is a mid-range disc out there that will suit your playing style and help you take your game to the next level.


Disc golf is a popular sport that requires players to throw specialized discs into baskets. One of the most important discs in a player's arsenal is the mid-range disc. Mid-range discs are versatile and can be used for a variety of shots, making them a crucial part of any player's game. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the best mid-range discs on the market.

What to Look for in a Mid-Range Disc

Before we dive into our top picks for mid-range discs, let's take a moment to discuss what you should look for when selecting a mid-range disc. Here are a few things to keep in mind:


Stability is an important factor to consider when choosing a mid-range disc. A stable mid-range disc will fly straight with minimal fade, while an overstable mid-range disc will have a more pronounced fade. Understable mid-range discs will turn to the right (for right-handed throwers) before coming back to the left.

Plastic Type

The type of plastic used to make a mid-range disc can affect its flight characteristics. For example, a premium plastic mid-range disc will be more durable and have a longer lifespan than a baseline plastic mid-range disc. However, a baseline plastic mid-range disc may be more affordable and easier to grip.


The weight of a mid-range disc can also affect its flight. Heavier mid-range discs will typically be more stable and have a more consistent flight path, while lighter mid-range discs may be more maneuverable and easier to throw for beginners.

Top Mid-Range Discs

Innova Roc3

The Innova Roc3 is a popular mid-range disc among both professional and amateur disc golfers. This overstable mid-range disc has a reliable flight path that makes it perfect for approach shots and short drives. The Roc3 is available in a variety of plastic types, including premium Champion plastic and baseline DX plastic.

Discraft Buzzz

The Discraft Buzzz is another popular mid-range disc that is known for its straight flight path and minimal fade. This stable mid-range disc is available in a variety of plastic types, including the durable Z plastic and the affordable Elite X plastic.

Latitude 64 Compass

The Latitude 64 Compass is a versatile mid-range disc that can be used for a variety of shots. This stable mid-range disc has a straight flight path and minimal fade, making it a great choice for accurate approach shots. The Compass is available in a range of plastic types, including the premium Gold Line plastic and the affordable Opto Line plastic.

MVP Axis

The MVP Axis is an understable mid-range disc that is perfect for players who are looking for a disc that can turn to the right (for right-handed throwers) before coming back to the left. This mid-range disc is available in a variety of plastic types, including the premium Neutron plastic and the affordable Plasma plastic.

Dynamic Discs Emac Truth

The Dynamic Discs Emac Truth is a stable mid-range disc that was designed in collaboration with professional disc golfer, Eric McCabe. This mid-range disc has a reliable flight path that makes it a great choice for approach shots and controlled drives. The Emac Truth is available in a variety of plastic types, including the durable Lucid plastic and the affordable Prime plastic.


Choosing the right mid-range disc is crucial for any disc golfer looking to improve their game. The discs on this list are all excellent choices for players of all skill levels. Whether you're looking for a stable mid-range disc like the Innova Roc3 or a versatile mid-range disc like the Latitude 64 Compass, there is a disc out there that will fit your needs.

Introduction to Mid Range Discs

Disc golf is a sport that has been gaining popularity over the years. It is a game that requires players to throw a disc into a target, much like traditional golf. However, instead of using clubs and balls, players use discs of different types and sizes. One of the most important discs in a player's arsenal is the mid range disc.Mid range discs are versatile and can be used for a variety of shots, including approach shots and shorter drives. They are designed to fly straight and far, making them an essential tool for any disc golfer. In this article, we will discuss the importance of choosing the right mid range disc, the top factors to consider when choosing one, and the best mid range discs for different levels of players and conditions.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Mid Range Disc

Choosing the right mid range disc can make a huge difference in a player's game. A mid range disc that is too overstable can cause the disc to fade too early and miss the target, while a mid range disc that is too understable can cause the disc to turn too much and miss the target as well. Therefore, it is important to choose a mid range disc that suits a player's throwing style and skill level.A good mid range disc can also help a player develop their skills. It can help them learn how to throw different types of shots, such as hyzer, anhyzer, and straight shots. It can also help them learn how to control the speed and direction of their throws.

Top Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mid Range Disc

1. Stability: The stability of a mid range disc is one of the most important factors to consider. Stability refers to the tendency of the disc to turn left or right during its flight. Overstable discs tend to fade left (for right-handed throwers) while understable discs tend to turn right. Choosing a disc with the right stability can help players hit their intended target.2. Weight: The weight of a mid range disc can affect its flight path, speed, and stability. Heavier discs tend to fly straighter and are more stable, while lighter discs tend to turn more and have less stability. Players should choose a weight that feels comfortable to them and suits their throwing style.3. Plastic Type: Different plastic types can affect the grip, durability, and stability of mid range discs. Some popular plastic types include DX, Pro, Champion, and Star. DX is a cheaper, less durable plastic, while Champion and Star are more expensive and more durable.4. Rim Width: The rim width of a mid range disc can affect its grip and stability. Wider rims provide more grip and stability, while narrower rims provide less grip and stability. Players should choose a rim width that feels comfortable to them and suits their throwing style.5. Brand: Different brands offer different types of mid range discs, each with their own unique characteristics. It is important to choose a brand that has a good reputation for producing quality discs.

Top 5 Mid Range Discs for Beginner Players

1. Discraft Buzzz: The Discraft Buzzz is one of the most popular mid range discs on the market. It has a straight flight path and a reliable fade, making it a great choice for beginner players.2. Innova Roc: The Innova Roc is another popular mid range disc that is great for beginners. It has a stable flight path and good glide, making it easy to control.3. Latitude 64 Claymore: The Latitude 64 Claymore is a slightly understable mid range disc that is great for beginners. It has a straight flight path and good glide, making it easy to control.4. Dynamic Discs Truth: The Dynamic Discs Truth is a stable mid range disc that is great for beginners. It has a straight flight path and a reliable fade, making it easy to control.5. MVP Axis: The MVP Axis is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for beginners. It has a straight flight path and a reliable fade, making it easy to control.

Top 5 Mid Range Discs for Intermediate Players

1. Discraft Buzzz OS: The Discraft Buzzz OS is a slightly overstable version of the popular Buzzz. It has a reliable fade and is great for intermediate players who want more stability.2. Innova Roc3: The Innova Roc3 is a stable mid range disc that is great for intermediate players. It has a straight flight path and a reliable fade, making it easy to control.3. Latitude 64 Compass: The Latitude 64 Compass is a stable mid range disc that is great for intermediate players. It has a straight flight path and good glide, making it easy to control.4. Dynamic Discs Emac Truth: The Dynamic Discs Emac Truth is a stable mid range disc that is great for intermediate players. It has a straight flight path and a reliable fade, making it easy to control.5. MVP Vector: The MVP Vector is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for intermediate players. It has a reliable fade and good glide, making it easy to control.

Top 5 Mid Range Discs for Advanced Players

1. Discraft Buzzz SS: The Discraft Buzzz SS is a slightly understable version of the popular Buzzz. It has a straight flight path and good glide, making it great for advanced players who want more control.2. Innova Gator: The Innova Gator is an overstable mid range disc that is great for advanced players. It has a reliable fade and is great for windy conditions.3. Latitude 64 Mace: The Latitude 64 Mace is a stable mid range disc that is great for advanced players. It has a straight flight path and good glide, making it easy to control.4. Dynamic Discs Justice: The Dynamic Discs Justice is an overstable mid range disc that is great for advanced players. It has a reliable fade and is great for windy conditions.5. MVP Tensor: The MVP Tensor is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for advanced players. It has a reliable fade and is great for forehand throws.

Best Mid Range Discs for Windy Conditions

1. Innova Gator: The Innova Gator is an overstable mid range disc that is great for windy conditions. It has a reliable fade and can handle strong headwinds.2. Dynamic Discs Justice: The Dynamic Discs Justice is an overstable mid range disc that is great for windy conditions. It has a reliable fade and can handle strong headwinds.3. Discraft Buzzz OS: The Discraft Buzzz OS is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for windy conditions. It has a reliable fade and can handle strong headwinds.4. Latitude 64 Trident: The Latitude 64 Trident is an overstable mid range disc that is great for windy conditions. It has a reliable fade and can handle strong headwinds.5. MVP Vector: The MVP Vector is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for windy conditions. It has a reliable fade and can handle strong headwinds.

Best Mid Range Discs for Forehand Throws

1. MVP Tensor: The MVP Tensor is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for forehand throws. It has a reliable fade and can handle the torque of a forehand throw.2. Innova RocX3: The Innova RocX3 is a stable mid range disc that is great for forehand throws. It has a straight flight path and can handle the torque of a forehand throw.3. Discraft Buzzz OS: The Discraft Buzzz OS is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for forehand throws. It has a reliable fade and can handle the torque of a forehand throw.4. Latitude 64 Claymore: The Latitude 64 Claymore is a slightly understable mid range disc that is great for forehand throws. It has a straight flight path and can handle the torque of a forehand throw.5. Dynamic Discs Justice: The Dynamic Discs Justice is an overstable mid range disc that is great for forehand throws. It has a reliable fade and can handle the torque of a forehand throw.

Best Mid Range Discs for Backhand Throws

1. Discraft Buzzz: The Discraft Buzzz is a stable mid range disc that is great for backhand throws. It has a straight flight path and can be thrown with accuracy.2. Innova Roc: The Innova Roc is a stable mid range disc that is great for backhand throws. It has a straight flight path and can be thrown with accuracy.3. Latitude 64 Compass: The Latitude 64 Compass is a stable mid range disc that is great for backhand throws. It has a straight flight path and can be thrown with accuracy.4. Dynamic Discs Emac Truth: The Dynamic Discs Emac Truth is a stable mid range disc that is great for backhand throws. It has a straight flight path and can be thrown with accuracy.5. MVP Axis: The MVP Axis is a slightly overstable mid range disc that is great for backhand throws. It has a reliable fade and can be thrown with accuracy.

Conclusion: Choosing the Perfect Mid Range Disc

In conclusion, choosing the right mid range disc is essential for any disc golfer. When choosing a mid range disc, players should consider factors such as stability, weight, plastic type, rim width, and brand. Beginner players should start with mid range discs that have a stable flight path, while intermediate and advanced players can choose discs based on their throwing style and skill level.There are also mid range discs that are designed for specific conditions, such as windy conditions or forehand throws. By choosing the right mid range disc, players can improve their game and take their skills to the next level.

Best Mid Range Disc for Disc Golf: A Comprehensive Guide


Disc golf is a fun and challenging sport that requires precision and accuracy. One of the most important tools to have in your disc golf bag is a reliable mid-range disc. In this article, we will discuss the best mid-range discs available in the market, their pros and cons, and provide a comparison table for your convenience.

Top 5 Mid-Range Discs

1. Innova Roc3 - The Innova Roc3 is a popular choice among professional disc golfers. It has a stable flight and can handle both forehand and backhand throws. The Roc3 is also durable and can withstand wear and tear from repeated use.

2. Discraft Buzzz - The Discraft Buzzz is a versatile mid-range disc that is suitable for both beginners and experienced players. It has a straight flight path with minimal fade, making it easy to control. The Buzzz is also available in different plastics to suit different play styles and preferences.

3. Dynamic Discs EMAC Truth - The EMAC Truth is a stable and dependable mid-range disc designed by professional disc golfer, Eric McCabe. It has a comfortable grip and can handle various shots, including anhyzer and hyzer flips. The EMAC Truth is also available in different weights and colors.

4. Latitude 64 Compass - The Latitude 64 Compass is a straight-flying mid-range disc that is suitable for all skill levels. It has a shallow rim and a comfortable grip, making it easy to throw accurately. The Compass is also available in different plastics and weights for customization.

5. MVP Matrix - The MVP Matrix is a stable mid-range disc that has a predictable flight path. It has a comfortable grip and can handle both forehand and backhand throws. The Matrix is also available in different plastics for added customization.

Pros and Cons

Innova Roc3 Pros:

  • Stable flight
  • Durable
  • Suitable for forehand and backhand throws

Innova Roc3 Cons:

  • Not beginner-friendly
  • Can be overstable for some players

Discraft Buzzz Pros:

  • Straight flight with minimal fade
  • Versatile
  • Available in different plastics

Discraft Buzzz Cons:

  • May not be suitable for windy conditions
  • May require more power to achieve distance

Dynamic Discs EMAC Truth Pros:

  • Stable and dependable flight
  • Comfortable grip
  • Can handle various shots

Dynamic Discs EMAC Truth Cons:

  • May not be beginner-friendly
  • May require more power to achieve distance

Latitude 64 Compass Pros:

  • Straight-flying
  • Shallow rim and comfortable grip
  • Suitable for all skill levels

Latitude 64 Compass Cons:

  • May not be suitable for windy conditions
  • May require more power to achieve distance

MVP Matrix Pros:

  • Predictable flight path
  • Comfortable grip
  • Suitable for forehand and backhand throws

MVP Matrix Cons:

  • May not be beginner-friendly
  • May require more power to achieve distance

Comparison Table

Disc NameStabilityFadePlastic OptionsSkill Level
Innova Roc3StableMediumChampion, Star, Glow ChampionIntermediate to Professional
Discraft BuzzzStraightMinimalESP, Z, Titanium, Pro-D, XBeginner to Professional
Dynamic Discs EMAC TruthStableMinimalLucid, Fuzion, BioFuzion, Classic BlendIntermediate to Professional
Latitude 64 CompassStraightSlightOpto, Gold Line, Zero Hard, RetroBeginner to Professional
MVP MatrixStableMinimalNeutron, Proton, ElectronIntermediate to Professional


Choosing the best mid-range disc for disc golf comes down to personal preference and play style. The Innova Roc3, Discraft Buzzz, Dynamic Discs EMAC Truth, Latitude 64 Compass, and MVP Matrix are all reliable and popular choices among disc golfers. Consider the pros and cons of each disc and test them out to find the perfect mid-range disc for your game.

Closing Message: The Best Mid Range Disc for Your Ultimate Frisbee Game

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read about the best mid-range disc for your ultimate frisbee game. We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights into the different types of mid-range discs available in the market and how to choose the right one based on your playing style and preferences.

As we have discussed, mid-range discs are an essential part of any ultimate frisbee player's arsenal. They offer a great balance between distance and accuracy, making them ideal for short to medium-range throws. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, having a good mid-range disc can help you take your game to the next level.

One of the key factors to consider when choosing a mid-range disc is the material it is made of. While there are many options available, we recommend going for a plastic disc as they are durable, lightweight, and affordable. Some of the most popular plastic materials used for mid-range discs include polyethylene, polypropylene, and polycarbonate.

Another important factor to consider is the weight and size of the disc. Most mid-range discs weigh between 160-180 grams and have a diameter of 21-23 centimeters. However, it is always best to try out different sizes and weights to find the one that feels most comfortable and suits your playing style.

When it comes to the design and color of the disc, this is mostly a matter of personal preference. However, it is worth noting that some designs and colors may be easier to spot in different lighting conditions, which can be helpful during games played in low-light or windy conditions.

Finally, it is important to practice regularly with your mid-range disc to improve your throwing technique and master different types of throws. Whether you are practicing alone or with a group of friends, taking the time to work on your skills with a mid-range disc can help you become a better player.

In conclusion, choosing the best mid-range disc for your ultimate frisbee game is an important decision that can make a big difference in your performance on the field. By considering factors such as material, weight, size, design, and color, you can find the right disc that fits your needs and preferences.

We hope that you have found this article informative and helpful in your search for the perfect mid-range disc. Remember, the key to success in ultimate frisbee is practice, so get out there and start throwing!

Thank you again for visiting our blog, and we wish you all the best in your ultimate frisbee games!

People Also Ask About the Best Mid-Range Disc

What is a mid-range disc?

A mid-range disc is a type of frisbee disc that is designed to fly shorter distances than distance drivers but longer distances than putters. They are typically used for approach shots and shorter drives.

What makes a good mid-range disc?

There are several factors that can make a disc a good mid-range option, including:

  • Good glide
  • Stable flight path
  • Consistent performance
  • Comfortable grip

What are some of the best mid-range discs on the market?

There are many great mid-range discs available, but some of the most popular options include:

  1. Innova Roc3
  2. Discraft Buzzz
  3. Latitude 64 Compass
  4. Dynamic Discs Truth
  5. MVP Matrix

How do I choose the right mid-range disc for me?

The best way to choose the right mid-range disc for you is to experiment with different options and find one that feels comfortable in your hand and flies well for your throwing style. It can also be helpful to read reviews and get recommendations from other players.

Can a mid-range disc be used for putting?

While mid-range discs are not typically used for putting, some players do prefer to use them for short putts or in windy conditions where a putter may be more difficult to control. However, for most players, a putter is the best option for putting.