Mother Knows Best Reprise: The Powerful Lesson We Can Learn from this Iconic Disney Song


Experience the emotional power of a mother's love in the Mother Knows Best Reprise from Disney's Tangled.

#Disney #Tangled #MotherKnowsBest

There's a reason why the phrase mother knows best has stood the test of time. As we grow older and face more complex challenges, we often turn to our mothers for guidance and advice. It's a universal truth that mothers have an innate ability to understand their children's needs and offer sage wisdom that can help them navigate life's ups and downs. In Disney's hit movie, Tangled, the song Mother Knows Best was a standout moment that showcased this dynamic perfectly. And in the reprise of the song, which comes later in the film, we see just how powerful a mother's intuition can be.

As the story of Tangled unfolds, we see protagonist Rapunzel struggle with her desire to explore the world outside of her tower and her fear of disobeying her mother, the villainous Mother Gothel. In Mother Knows Best, Gothel sings a catchy tune about how dangerous the world is and how Rapunzel should never leave the safety of her tower. But as the story progresses, Rapunzel begins to realize that there's more to life than what her mother has taught her. And in the reprise of the song, we see just how much Rapunzel has grown and how much she's learned to trust her own instincts.

The reprise of Mother Knows Best is a pivotal moment in the film, as it marks the point where Rapunzel starts to question everything she's been taught. The song opens with Gothel singing, You want to go outside? Why, Rapunzel...! in a condescending tone that makes it clear she thinks Rapunzel is making a huge mistake. But Rapunzel is undeterred. Because I'm just curious, she responds, her voice full of determination. This exchange sets the tone for the rest of the song, as Rapunzel asserts herself and refuses to be held back by her mother's fears.

As the song continues, we see just how much Rapunzel has grown since the beginning of the film. She sings, I've got a feeling there's a miracle due / Gonna come true, coming to me! with an infectious energy that makes it clear she's ready to take on the world. And when Gothel tries to scare her with tales of monsters and thugs, Rapunzel brushes it off with a dismissive, Mother knows best, showing that she's no longer willing to be held back by her mother's outdated views.

Throughout the song, we see Rapunzel grow more and more confident in herself and her abilities. She no longer needs her mother's approval or guidance to make decisions for herself. Instead, she trusts her own intuition and follows her heart, even if it means going against what her mother has taught her. This is a powerful message for viewers of all ages, as it encourages us to trust ourselves and believe in our own abilities.

The reprise of Mother Knows Best is also a turning point for Mother Gothel. As she watches Rapunzel leave the tower, she realizes that she's losing control over her daughter and that her grip on power is slipping away. This realization drives her to desperate measures, as she sets out to bring Rapunzel back to the tower at any cost. It's a chilling moment that shows just how far Gothel is willing to go to maintain her hold over her daughter.

In the end, of course, Rapunzel triumphs over Gothel and learns the true meaning of family and love. But it's the reprise of Mother Knows Best that shows us just how much she's grown and how much she's learned to trust herself. It's a moment that resonates with viewers of all ages, reminding us that sometimes the best advice comes from within.

As we reflect on the lessons of Tangled and the reprise of Mother Knows Best, it's clear that mothers hold a special place in our hearts and minds. Whether we're facing big decisions or small ones, we know that our mothers will always be there to offer guidance and support. And while we may not always follow their advice, we know that their love will never falter. So here's to all the mothers out there who know best - we couldn't do it without you.


The phrase mother knows best is a common one, often used by mothers to guide their children towards making the right choices. In the Disney movie Tangled, this phrase takes on a whole new meaning with the song Mother Knows Best. The song is sung by Mother Gothel, who is trying to convince Rapunzel that the outside world is dangerous and that she needs to stay locked away in her tower. In the reprise of the song, Mother Gothel sings about how she knows what's best for Rapunzel, but as the audience, we know that her intentions are not pure.

The Reprise

The reprise of Mother Knows Best comes towards the end of the movie, after Rapunzel has left the tower with Flynn Rider. Mother Gothel is furious that Rapunzel has disobeyed her and is now out in the world without her guidance. In the reprise, Mother Gothel sings about how she knows what's best for Rapunzel and that she needs to come back to the safety of the tower. She uses fear tactics to try and scare Rapunzel into coming back, singing lines like skip the drama, stay with mama and trust me, my dear, that's how fast he'll leave you.

The Real Intention

While Mother Gothel's words may seem like they are coming from a place of love and concern for Rapunzel's safety, as the audience, we know that her true intention is to keep Rapunzel locked away in the tower so that she can continue to use her magical hair to stay young. Mother Gothel is not concerned about Rapunzel's well-being, but rather her own selfish desires.

Rapunzel's Inner Conflict

As Mother Gothel sings to Rapunzel in the reprise, we see Rapunzel struggling with her inner conflict. On one hand, she wants to believe that Mother Gothel is looking out for her best interests, but on the other hand, she knows that she wants to be free and experience the world outside of the tower. This inner conflict is something that many people can relate to, as we often struggle with making decisions based on what we want versus what others tell us is best for us.

The Power of Manipulation

One of the most powerful aspects of the reprise of Mother Knows Best is the way that Mother Gothel manipulates Rapunzel through her words. She uses fear tactics and guilt to try and make Rapunzel feel like she needs to come back to the tower, even though she knows deep down that it's not what she wants. This manipulation is something that many people have experienced in their own lives, whether it be from a parent, friend, or romantic partner.

The Danger of Blindly Trusting Others

Another important theme that is explored in the reprise of Mother Knows Best is the danger of blindly trusting others. Rapunzel has always trusted Mother Gothel and believed that she had her best interests at heart, but as the movie progresses, she begins to see that this trust was misplaced. This is an important lesson for all of us, as we need to be careful about who we trust and make sure that they have our best interests at heart.

The Importance of Self-Discovery

In the end, Rapunzel learns that the only person who truly knows what's best for her is herself. She discovers her own strength and courage and is able to stand up to Mother Gothel and break free from the tower. This is an important lesson for all of us, as we need to learn to trust ourselves and our own instincts when it comes to making decisions about our lives.


The reprise of Mother Knows Best is a powerful moment in the movie Tangled, as it explores themes of manipulation, trust, and self-discovery. While Mother Gothel may have believed that she knew what was best for Rapunzel, we see that her intentions were not pure and that ultimately, Rapunzel needed to discover her own strength and courage in order to break free from the tower. This is a lesson that we can all learn from, as we navigate the complexities of relationships and the decisions that we make about our own lives.

The Power of a Mother's Intuition

As a child, there were times when I questioned my mother's decisions. I would often ask myself, Why does she always know what's best? Little did I know that my mother's intuition was the key to her unwavering guidance and advice. Over time, I began to recognize the power of her intuition and how it played an essential role in shaping my life.A mother's intuition is something that cannot be taught or learned; it is an innate ability that comes naturally to most mothers. It is a sense of knowing that allows a mother to understand her child's needs and wants without them having to say a word. It is the ability to read between the lines and pick up on subtle cues that others may miss.For example, when I was in high school, my mother noticed that I was struggling with anxiety and stress. Despite my attempts to hide it, she could tell that something was off. She encouraged me to talk about my feelings and seek help from a therapist. At the time, I was hesitant to take her advice, but looking back now, I realize how right she was. Her intuition allowed her to see through my façade and offer the support and guidance that I needed.

Learning from Past Mistakes

One of the greatest gifts a mother can offer is her wisdom gained from past mistakes. As children, we often think that our parents are perfect and have never made any mistakes. However, as we grow older and begin to face our own challenges, we come to realize that our parents are human just like us.My mother has always been open and honest about her past mistakes. She shares her experiences with me and offers advice on how to avoid making the same mistakes she made. Her honesty and vulnerability have helped me to learn from her mistakes and make better choices in my own life.

Trusting Your Mother's Advice

As we navigate through life, we are faced with countless decisions that can impact our future. In these moments, it is crucial to have a trusted advisor to turn to for guidance and support. For me, that person has always been my mother.Whenever I'm faced with a difficult decision, I turn to my mother for advice. I trust her judgment and know that she has my best interests at heart. Her guidance has helped me to make informed decisions and avoid making impulsive choices that could have negative consequences.

The Importance of Family Support

Navigating life's challenges is never easy, but having the support of family can make all the difference. My mother has always been my biggest cheerleader and source of support. Whether it was cheering me on at my soccer games or staying up late to help me with a school project, she has always been there for me.Having a strong support system is essential for overcoming life's obstacles. It provides us with the encouragement and motivation we need to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.

Navigating Life's Challenges with Your Mother

Life is full of ups and downs, and navigating those challenges can be a daunting task. However, having your mother by your side can make all the difference. My mother has been my rock through some of the toughest moments in my life.When I went through a difficult breakup, my mother was there to offer a listening ear and comforting words. When I struggled with self-doubt and insecurity, she reminded me of my strengths and encouraged me to believe in myself.Navigating life's challenges with your mother can help you to build a stronger bond and create lasting memories that you will cherish forever.

The Wisdom of Experience

One of the greatest gifts that mothers bring to the table is their wealth of experience. They have lived through many of life's challenges and have gained wisdom along the way. This wisdom can be invaluable when it comes to making important decisions or navigating difficult situations.My mother's experience has helped me to see things from a different perspective and make more informed decisions. Her guidance has been instrumental in helping me to navigate my career and personal life.

The Unconditional Love of a Mother

A mother's love is unconditional and knows no bounds. It is a love that is pure, selfless, and unwavering. No matter what mistakes we make or how far we may stray from the path, our mother's love remains constant.My mother's love has been a constant source of comfort and support throughout my life. She has always been there to pick me up when I fall and celebrate my successes with me. Her love has given me the strength and courage to pursue my dreams and become the person I am today.

Recognizing the Sacrifices of Motherhood

Motherhood is a selfless act that requires a tremendous amount of sacrifice. From sleepless nights to endless hours of cooking and cleaning, mothers give up so much to provide for their children. It is important to recognize and appreciate these sacrifices and show gratitude for all that they do.My mother sacrificed so much to raise my siblings and me. She worked long hours to provide for us and spent countless sleepless nights tending to our needs. Her sacrifices have not gone unnoticed, and I am forever grateful for all that she has done for us.

Embracing Your Mother's Legacy

Mothers leave a lasting legacy that extends beyond their years. They pass down their values, beliefs, and traditions to their children, creating a lasting impact that lasts for generations.As I grow older, I find myself embracing more and more of my mother's legacy. From her love of cooking to her passion for helping others, I am proud to carry on her traditions and values. Her legacy has shaped me into the person I am today and will continue to guide me as I navigate through life.

The Comforting Presence of a Mother's Voice

There is something comforting about the sound of a mother's voice. It can calm our fears, ease our worries, and make us feel safe and secure. A mother's voice is a constant reminder of the love and support that she provides.Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed or anxious, hearing my mother's voice on the phone brings me a sense of calm. Her words of encouragement and support provide me with the strength and motivation to keep pushing forward.In conclusion, a mother's guidance and advice are invaluable throughout all stages of life. From her intuition to her wisdom gained from past mistakes, a mother's love and support guide us through life's challenges and help us become the best versions of ourselves. It is important to recognize and appreciate the sacrifices that mothers make and embrace their legacy as we navigate through life. No matter where life takes us, we can always count on the comforting presence of a mother's voice to guide us along the way.

Mother Knows Best Reprise: A Point of View


Disney's Tangled features a song titled Mother Knows Best sung by Mother Gothel. In the movie, Rapunzel sings a reprise of the same song later on. The reprise is a pivotal moment in the story that reflects the character's growth and development.

Pros and Cons of the Mother Knows Best Reprise

The Mother Knows Best reprise has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed below:


  1. The reprise highlights the concept of self-discovery and questioning authority.
  2. Rapunzel's performance in the reprise reflects her emotional turmoil and struggle to break free from her mother's control.
  3. The song's lyrics are relatable to anyone who has ever felt suffocated by someone's authority or felt like they were not being heard.
  4. The reprise emphasizes the importance of following one's heart and making decisions based on what feels right.


  1. Some viewers may find the reprise repetitive or unnecessary since the original song already established the concept of Mother Gothel's control over Rapunzel.
  2. The song's message may be too simplistic or cliché for some viewers, making it seem like a generic Disney trope.
  3. The reprise may overshadow the other songs in the movie, making them seem less impactful or memorable.

Table Comparison of Mother Gothel and Rapunzel

Here is a table comparing the two characters in terms of their traits and motivations:

Character Traits Motivations
Mother Gothel Manipulative, selfish, controlling To keep Rapunzel isolated and dependent on her for her own benefit
Rapunzel Creative, curious, adventurous To discover the truth about her past and find her own identity


The Mother Knows Best reprise is a pivotal moment in Tangled that highlights the importance of self-discovery and questioning authority. While it has its pros and cons, the reprise ultimately serves as a powerful reminder to follow one's heart and make decisions based on what feels right.

Mother Knows Best Reprise: A Lesson on Parenting and Control

As we come to the end of this article, I hope that you have gained a better understanding of the importance of parental guidance and the consequences of control. The Mother Knows Best Reprise from Disney's Tangled is an excellent example of how parents can sometimes overstep their boundaries in the name of protection.

Throughout the article, we have explored the different aspects of this song, from the lyrics to the melody. We have also delved into the psychological implications of controlling behavior and the need for autonomy in children. Now, it's time to wrap up our discussion with some final thoughts.

If you are a parent, it's essential to understand that your child will eventually grow up and leave the nest. While it's natural to want to protect them from harm, it's equally crucial to allow them to make mistakes and learn from them. Overprotecting your child can lead to feelings of resentment and rebellion, which can strain your relationship with them.

It's also important to remember that every child is different. What works for one child may not work for another. Therefore, it's crucial to communicate with your child and understand their needs and desires. By fostering open communication, you can build a healthy relationship with your child based on trust and mutual respect.

The Mother Knows Best Reprise is not just a lesson for parents but for children as well. It teaches us that we should be wary of those who try to control us, whether it be a parent, friend, or partner. It's essential to recognize our own needs and desires and stand up for ourselves when necessary.

In conclusion, parenting is a difficult task that requires patience, love, and understanding. While it's easy to fall into the trap of control, it's important to remember that our children are individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. By fostering a healthy relationship based on trust and communication, we can help our children grow into confident, independent adults.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope that it has provided you with some valuable insights into the world of parenting and control. If you have any thoughts or comments, please feel free to share them below. Remember, in the end, mother may know best, but sometimes, it's better to let go and let life take its course.

People also ask about Mother Knows Best Reprise

What is Mother Knows Best Reprise?

Mother Knows Best Reprise is a song from the Disney animated movie, Tangled. It is a reprise of one of the movie's earlier songs, Mother Knows Best.

When does Mother Knows Best Reprise play in the movie?

Mother Knows Best Reprise is played towards the end of the movie, when Mother Gothel is trying to convince Rapunzel to stay in the tower with her forever.

Who sings Mother Knows Best Reprise?

Mother Knows Best Reprise is sung by Donna Murphy, who plays the character of Mother Gothel in the movie.

What is the meaning of the lyrics in Mother Knows Best Reprise?

The lyrics in Mother Knows Best Reprise are all about Mother Gothel's desire to keep Rapunzel locked up in the tower forever. She tries to convince Rapunzel that the outside world is too dangerous for her and that she would be better off staying with her mother.

Why is Mother Knows Best Reprise important to the movie?

Mother Knows Best Reprise is an important part of the movie because it shows how manipulative and controlling Mother Gothel is. It also adds to the tension and drama of the movie, as Rapunzel has to decide whether to listen to her mother or to follow her own heart and leave the tower.

Does Mother Knows Best Reprise have a different melody than the original song?

No, Mother Knows Best Reprise has the same melody as the original song, Mother Knows Best. However, the lyrics are different and the tone of the song is much darker and more sinister than the original.

What other songs are in Tangled?

Some of the other songs in Tangled include:

  • When Will My Life Begin
  • I've Got a Dream
  • I See the Light
  • Healing Incantation

Who are the main characters in Tangled?

The main characters in Tangled are Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and Mother Gothel. Other important characters include Maximus the horse and Pascal the chameleon.